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Makes 10 large rolls
In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine the milk and sugar. Sprinkle the yeast and let bloom for 5 minutes.
Once bloomed, add the flours, salt, sugar, and warm milk. Knead with a dough hook (or, alternatively, knead by hand) for 2 minutes. With the dough hook mixing, slowly add softened butter, 1 TBSP at a time, waiting until fully incorporated before adding the next section. Then once all of the butter has been incorporated, knead for 6-8 minutes, or until sufficient gluten has developed.
Cover dough and set in a warm, draft free place (like an unlit oven) for 60-90 minutes.
Grease a 12” cast-iron skillet with softened butter.
Once risen, turn dough out onto work surface and roll out into a rectangle, approximately 16” x 20.”
For the filling, mix the sugar, cinnamon, flour, and salt. Brush dough surface with melted butter, and sprinkle filling mixture, leaving about an inch at one of the long ends. Roll up the dough tightly.
Cut 2” sections of the roll and place in the prepared/greased cast-iron skillet.
Let rise in a warm, draft-free place for approximately 45 minutes.
Now is a good time to light your Cru oven.
Once your Cru has reached 500°F and the rolls have sufficiently risen, place them in the Cru and bake, rotating pan every 5 minutes or so, monitoring so that the rolls don’t burn. Bake for a total of 20 minutes.
While the rolls are baking, mix the frosting ingredients together, set aside and keep nearby.
When the rolls are fully baked, take out of the Cru and immediately spread topping. Enjoy!